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Castello di



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@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati


The sumptuous interiors and beautiful park of Castello di Donnafugata will win you over! On its lower floors, it houses the Museum of the History of Sicilian Costume between the 18th and 20th centuries.  

A nineteenth-century manor at the end of a long avenue. The Castle of Donnafugata is 20km from Ragusa: once a rich, noble residence with its 122 rooms, today it is a must-see tourist destination and the set for famous films – here, several scenes for the successful Rai1 TV series Il commissario Montalbano, the film Viceré by Roberto Faenza, and Il racconto dei racconti by Matteo Garrone, were filmed.

First owned by the Chiaramonte family, in the mid-seventeenth century it passed to the Arezzo de Spuches family, who transformed it into a proper hamlet – austere, elegant, and beautiful. 

We’d rather not reveal anything of the charm such a mysterious and romantic place exudes surrounded by the heady scents and colours of the surrounding Iblean countryside: it would spoil the surprise of being in a place where time has stopped. 

But we will leave you with a fun fact and two tips. 

Firstly, the origin of the name: there are several hypotheses, even a legend, such as the escape of Queen Bianca di Navarra, widow of King Martin I of Aragon ruler of the kingdom of Sicily, who was imprisoned by Count Bernardo Cabrera, her lover – so, Donnafugata as in donna fuiuta, ‘woman escaped’. The most respected theory is that the name of the castle comes from the Arabic ain as iafaiat, that is, ‘source of health’, due to the presence of a nearby spring.

Moving on to the two tips. After having visited the rooms of the manor, admired up close the furnishings of the time, the halls, the private rooms and learned some nice anecdotes about its ancient owners, take a break in the wonderful park. It is the pride of the estate, 8 hectares that host three types of green landscaping: the English garden, the French garden, and an area once intended for the cultivation of aromatic plants, and beekeeping – a total of 1,500 plant species. There is even a stone maze in which the many guests of the Castle have fun. Have fun too!

The other tip is to visit the Mu.De.Co, the permanent museum of the History of Sicilian Costume between the 18th and 20th centuries, inaugurated just as recently as October 2020 after many years work. It exhibits the collection of immeasurable value that belonged to Gabriele Arezzo of Trifiletti, heir of the Arezzo family: 400 years of history told by 60 complete dresses; 695 individual garments; 1,555 fashion accessories of shoes and hats of all styles; and 72 different novelty items. It is located in the lower part of the Castle – we’re sure you’ll love it!

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 


Castello di Donnafugata,

97100 Donnafugata 


0932 676500


Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 




Ragusa is not only a summer destination, it is ready to offer beauty, emotions and fun in every season. Come and discover it in the winter season!


From July 13 to September 30

Come to the info point for more info and reservation

Some shows and events required the purchase of a ticket. Contact the info point to know which events are the paid events and get more details.