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War Memorials


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@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati


Three memorials, erected in upper Ragusa, Ragusa Ibla and Marina di Ragusa respectively, to commemorate those who died in the First World War. The county capital pays homage to its soldiers. 

With three memorials scattered throughout the municipality, Ragusa remembers the soldiers who fell in the Great War. The memorials are cenotaphs and have an exclusively commemorative, not burial, function, and they bear the names of the soldiers who died. The county capital also pays tribute to the victims of the conflicts with the memorial to the Unknown Soldier in piazza Libertà, the memorial monument to the post and telecommunications workers who died during the First World War in piazza Matteotti, and  the  memorial monument in piazza del Popolo dedicated to those who died in all conflicts.  

Returning to the war memorials dedicated to the soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War, the first is located in the churchyard outside the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Ragusa. It was made by the sculptor Turillo Sindoni and inaugurated by Benito Mussolini himself in 1924. Overlaid with marble, the monument has a bronze sculpted group placed on an impressive pedestal. There are two figures: one in an upright position holding a sword in his right hand to defend the flag, and the other supine, gripping the lower hem of the banner.  A bronze laurel wreath was made to go on the steps, surmounted by a plaque with the inscription: Ragusa to her sons who died for their homeland, Always alive in the hearts of all Italian brothers and sisters. Instead, on the pedestal walls, the names of the fallen Ragusans are engraved in flaming gold letters. 

Another memorial  monument rises up right in the heart of the Giardino Ibleo in Ragusa Ibla. It was built in the 1930s by the surveyor Giuseppe Pinelli and reproduces a sort of small hill on a square base. At the centre of each side there is a staircase that leads up to a raised level from which a funeral memorial stone emerges, embellished with decorations and a laurel wreath. At each lower corner next to the steps, there are reproductions of rocky walls on which the names of the fallen are engraved.   

And finally, the third memorial monument to those who died in the Great War is located in piazza Torre, at the foot of the central piazza Duca degli Abruzzi in Marina di Ragusa. Built in the late 1920s, it consists of a base of two steps and then a high pedestal from which a rocky relief rises containing the soldiers’ commemorative plaques. An iron anchor, symbol of salvation,  lies on the top. 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 


Sacrario del milite ignoto (Piazza Libertà)

Monumento ai postelegrafonici (Piazza Matteotti)

Monumento ai caduti (Piazza del Popolo)

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 




Ragusa is not only a summer destination, it is ready to offer beauty, emotions and fun in every season. Come and discover it in the winter season!


From July 13 to September 30

Come to the info point for more info and reservation

Some shows and events required the purchase of a ticket. Contact the info point to know which events are the paid events and get more details.