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Churches of Giardino ibleo


@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati

@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati


Inside the Giardino Ibleo in Ibla there’s a monumental treasure. It consists of three churches: San Vincenzo Ferreri, San Giacomo and the church of the Cappuccini, with Pietro Novelli’s triptych inside. 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Three churches, all waiting to be discovered. They are the precious monumental heart of the Giardino Ibleo in Ragusa Ibla.


San Domenico or the church of San Vincenzo Ferreri is the first one you come across. It was built in the sixteenth century and a convent used to stand beside it. The façade is embellished with a bell tower covered in painted majolica and by a large solar clock. It underwent renovation in the first half of the eighteenth century, followed by other interventions during the last century that led to the convent being demolished. The church was left in a state of total neglect for decades. Since 2010 restoration has been done both inside and out and it is destined to be used for conferences. 

Once you’ve entered the Giardino Ibleo, you’ll come across the ancient church of San Giacomo. It was built in the 14th century on the ruins of a pagan temple. It was destroyed in part by the 1693 earthquake that forced a change to its original plan reducing the three naves down to one. It is incredibly beautiful both inside and out: in the third order of the three-order facade, there is a high-relief depicting Saint George the knight, on either side two statues of Saint James and Saint John the Evangelist stand out, while on the right-hand side you can admire two statues of Saint Anne, holding the Little Madonna, and Saint John the Evangelist. The interior is lavish containing 11 altars, enhanced by precious paintings. We’d like to point out the beautiful painting on the vault panels depicting the four Evangelists at the corners and other celestial figures in the middle. There are statues, like the sixteenth-century one of Saint James and on the left, a Baroque altar with a crucifix from the 1500s.  

Finally, there is the church of the Cappuccini. It’s the last one you come across as you continue down to the end of the central avenue. Built in the early seventeenth century by Capuchin friars on what was once the church of Sant’Agata, it is as simple on the outside as it is precious inside. Here the triptych by Pietro Novelli is kept. Nicknamed the Monrealese, he painted this work of art for the Ragusa friars between 1640 and 1643. It is considered one of the most valuable altarpieces in Sicily. Rumour has it that the artist gave it to the friars as a gift for having welcomed him in while he was on the run. The central painting depicts the Assumption surrounded by angels and cherubs on a white cloud rising to the sky, while the Apostles look on in admiration. Instead, on the right-hand side there is the martyrdom of Saint Barbara, while on the left the miracle of Saint Peter, who is reattaching Sant’Agata’s breast that a Roman soldier had cut off. The convent of the Cappuccini  now turned into an accommodation facility.  

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 


Chiesa di San Vincenzo Ferreri

Chiesa di San Giacomo

Chiesa dei Cappuccini

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 




Ragusa is not only a summer destination, it is ready to offer beauty, emotions and fun in every season. Come and discover it in the winter season!


From July 13 to September 30

Come to the info point for more info and reservation

Some shows and events required the purchase of a ticket. Contact the info point to know which events are the paid events and get more details.