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Hyblean hypogea


@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati

@2021 - SICILYKIOSK tutti i diritti riservati


A journey through the hypogea of the Hyblaean Mountains; particular examples of the funerary architecture of the past. 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Discovering Hyblaean hypogea: Ragusa is this, too. The Hyblaean Mountains hide important testimonies of funerary architecture. 

Among these we’d like to recommend the Grotta delle Trabacche in c.da Buttino (S.P. 13), one of the largest in the Ragusa province. It is a very evocative example dating back to the 4th century AD: in all the walls and even below floor level, you’ll see the tombs of that time. There are 80-90 burial arches, but you’ll be struck above all by the two monumental, canopied sarcophagi that stand in the middle of one of the two rooms that form the catacomb. 

Next we move on to Cava Celone (S.P. 10), where there’s an important rock sepulchral hypogeum formed by three tunnels arranged in parallel that depart from a larger hall where a canopy once stood. Past excavations have even unearthed the grave goods that accompanied the deceased: coins and ceramics dating back to the 4th and 5th centuries AD.  

Finally, there’s the hypogeum of c.da Cisternazzi (S.P. 60). It consists of a large, irregularly shaped chamber, with a partly collapsed canopy in the middle. In all there are 25 tombs in the chamber and others along the entrance hallway.  

For more informations, visit:

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 


Grotta delle Trabacche

Cava Celone 

Ipogeo di c.da Cisternazzi

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 

Books, music, but also good food, theatre, and showsRagusa offers quality events all year round that attract thousands of visitors from all over Sicily and beyond. Tourists who are in the city in those days are fascinated by the great human warmth and cultural richness that the city gives off.

There are numerous summer events, but also winter in Ragusa is livened up by various theatre and music festivals: Melodica, Ibla Classica International for music; the season at the Donnafugata Theatre and Palchi Diversi (Different Stages) for the theatre (the latter moves to the beautiful backdrop of the Castle of Donnafugata for the summer version Palchi Diversi Estate al castello), to name but a few. 

In short, Ragusa is to be lived all year round! 




Ragusa is not only a summer destination, it is ready to offer beauty, emotions and fun in every season. Come and discover it in the winter season!


From July 13 to September 30

Come to the info point for more info and reservation

Some shows and events required the purchase of a ticket. Contact the info point to know which events are the paid events and get more details.